BFOIT - Introduction to Computer Programming

Appendix A (Jargon)

-   T   -

Java is what computer scientists and programmers call a "strongly typed language." What this means is that all of the expressions, fields, methods, and literals in your Java classes have specific sets of values that they can evaluate to or contain. type can be further broken down into primitive types and reference types.

There is one exception to this and that is that methods are allowed to return nothing so there is a reserved word meaning NO type. Methods of this type are declared to be of type void.

There are eight primitive types in Java:

values: true or false
-128 through 127
0 through 65535
-32768 through 32767
values: -2,147,483,648 through 2,147,483,647
-92,233,720,036,854,775,808 through 92,233,720,036,854,775,807

Reference types consist of objects.  Reference types have been declared somewhere as classes.  Java comes with many predefined classes, for example: String.

Other jargon:  A   B   C   D   E   F  G H  I   J  K  L   M  N  O   P  Q  R   S   T  U  V   W  X Y Z

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This work (BFOIT: Introduction to Computer Programming, by Guy M. Haas),
identified by Berkeley Foundation for Opportunities in IT (BFOIT),
is free of known copyright restrictions.